Sunday, February 19, 2012

Howe Sound Sponge Reef 08/01/2012

Prior to starting Tech 1, the plan had been to dive a new glass sponge reef in Howe Sound. This had been found recently and had gotten some publicity because a new species of sponge had been found.

Because these sponges were quite deep, the idea was they'd be ideal for a technical dive. However, since Jim and I hadn't finished yet, we went along, but did a regular recreational dive.

We went out with the Topline. It was a rainy, miserable day. But as always, what mattered was under water. The sponge reef was quite nice, but we didn't see anything too different than we'd normally see.

The second dive of the day was on Halkett Wall, and it was a very nice relaxing drift dive.

On the trip, I talked to a fellow who had been lucky enough to see a six-gill shark at Ansel Place. Lucky! You never knew what you might see.

Jim and I agreed we'd be back to do this dive properly once we were done with Tech 1.

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