Liz Tribe and Jim Dixon arranged for some Island divers to come over and dive the Topline with
Sea Dragon Charters. This was not a
GUE-BC trip, but there were a lot of us! The Topline boat and crew performed like champs as always, even though there were 20 divers on board! It was a testament to their help and our planning that the dives went off like clock work, and everyone had a great time.
The water did not look good though, as it had been raining heavily for several days.
Talk about muddy! Jan assured us in the dive briefing that the visibility opened up under 20 feet, and she was right.
There were a lot of different dive plans, recreational, rebreather, and technical. I was doing two Tech 1 dives with Kevin Swoboda and Dennis Diamond. I swear that we had more discussion on the dive plans than I'd had ever before. This was due to the fact that we wanted to maximize our profiles while still staying within the time we had on the boat. It worked out very well.
The first dive was good. We saw quite a few Cockerel nudibranchs, which were always cool and colourful. I don't remember seeing these a few years ago, they seem to have showed up only recently. The second dive was even better. Kevin put us right on the good cloud sponges on the back of Bowyer Island. There was a large red fur crab sitting out in the open on top of one of these sponges.
One diver left behind an aluminum 40 of oxygen, and I delivered it to the Bay Moorings restaurant for them. It was pretty funny walking into a restaurant with a cylinder!
All in all, a very very great day.